In dit hoofdstuk wordt het Spotnet MENU Bewerken besproken. (Met name de nieuw toegevoegde functies worden besproken, sommige functies spreken voor zich.)


Het vernieuwde Selecteer een provider venster (nieuwe usenet providers ) , optie per provider gebruikersnaam/wachtwoord instellen, Ero spots laden en database vullen vanaf datum.

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1. Aantal verbindingen invoeren via de keuzelijst of handmatig invullen.

Heb je een provider die +30 verbindingen toestaat, zie performance / optimalisatie

2. Voorbeeld: geen Ero spots laden (uitgevinkt).

Bij een nieuwe Spotnet installatie kun je hier aan/uitvinken of je Erotiek spots in je database wilt hebben (standaard = aangevinkt).

Als je een bestaande database wilt ontdoen van Erotiek spots, ga naar:

Bewerken / Providers / Ero spots laden -- uitvinken

Bewerken / Database / Spots leegmaken

Daarna Bijwerken, de database zal nu weer gevuld worden met spots, maar nu zonder Erotiek spots.


Voorbeeld andere Header Server (binnenhalen van spots):

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Voorbeeld: is ingesteld voor het binnenhalen van spots (dit kan alleen als je internet van Ziggo + nieuwsgroepen hebt). Sunny Usenet is in dit voorbeeld ingesteld voor het downloaden. Het extra invoerveld wordt getoond als de checkbox uitgevinkt wordt.

Common Usenet Terms and Definitions

Usenet is one of the oldest and most extensive global communication systems, primarily used for file sharing, discussion, and news. It consists of newsgroups where people can post messages and files, and it remains a popular platform for accessing a wealth of content through binary downloads. Below is a list of essential Usenet terms to help you understand how it works and navigate the system effectively.

Common Usenet Terms

  • Newsgroups: A newsgroup is an online discussion forum where users post messages about various topics. It can also be used for sharing files.
  • Headers: Headers are metadata that contain information about a Usenet post, such as the sender's address, subject, and date.
  • Binaries: Binaries are files shared on Usenet, such as images, videos, and software, typically encoded in multiple parts.
  • Text Posts: These are regular posts containing only text and are commonly used for discussions in newsgroups.
  • NZB Files: NZB is a file format that contains a list of Usenet articles for downloading, typically used to download binary files quickly and easily.
  • Usenet Provider: A service that provides access to Usenet servers, allowing users to download posts from newsgroups.
  • Retention: Retention refers to how long a Usenet server stores files, typically measured in days. After this time, the file may no longer be accessible.
  • Parity Files (PAR2): PAR2 files are used to repair damaged or missing parts of Usenet files.
  • RAR Files: RAR files are a type of compressed archive commonly used on Usenet to bundle multiple files together for easier distribution.
  • SABnzbd: A popular Usenet downloader that automates the process of downloading, repairing, and extracting binary files.
  • NZBGet: A Usenet client that downloads binary files from Usenet servers using NZB files, often used for its lightweight interface and speed.
  • Binary Newsreader: A specialized software application for downloading and extracting binary files from Usenet newsgroups.
  • Spotnet: Spotnet is a popular Usenet indexer and community that helps users find and download binary content from Usenet servers.
  • Indexers: Indexers are websites or software that catalog Usenet posts, providing a searchable database of available files to download.
  • MultiPart RAR: A multipart RAR archive is a file split into multiple smaller RAR files, commonly used on Usenet to distribute large files.
  • Leechers: Leechers are users who download files from Usenet but don’t contribute by uploading or sharing content.
  • Seeders: Seeders are users who upload files to Usenet, contributing content for others to download.
  • Usenet Client: A Usenet client is software used to connect to Usenet servers and manage downloads, such as SABnzbd or NZBGet.
  • PAR Recovery: A method of using PAR files to repair damaged or missing binary files during the download process.
  • Fast-Posters: Fast-Posters are users or automated systems that quickly upload content to Usenet, often contributing large volumes of files.
  • NFO Files: NFO files are text files that often accompany downloaded content, providing information about the file, such as release notes and group details.
  • Headers-only Mode: A mode in Usenet clients where only the headers (metadata) of posts are downloaded, without fetching the actual content.
  • Fast Download: Refers to the ability to quickly download content from Usenet, often made possible through high-quality Usenet servers with large retention and multiple connections.
  • Compression: The process of reducing the file size to make it easier to upload and download, commonly used in file formats like ZIP, RAR, and 7Z.
  • Giganews: One of the leading Usenet service providers offering high-speed downloads and high retention periods. Forums : Disclaimer